Managing Schemas

Users of versions < 0.4, please read this post before upgrading: Breaking Changes

Once a connection has been made to Cassandra, you can use the functions in to create and delete keyspaces, as well as create and delete tables for defined models
Parameters:name (string) – the keyspace name to create

creates a keyspace with the given name
Parameters:name (string) – the keyspace name to delete

deletes the keyspace with the given name[, create_missing_keyspace=True])
  • model (Model) – the Model class to make a table with
  • create_missing_keyspace (bool) – Optional If True, the model’s keyspace will be created if it does not already exist. Defaults to True

syncs a python model to cassandra (creates & alters)
Parameters:model (Model) – the Model class to delete a column family for

deletes the CQL table for the given model

See the example at Getting Started