
Users of versions < 0.4, please read this post before upgrading: Breaking Changes

A model is a python class representing a CQL table.


This example defines a Person table, with the columns first_name and last_name

from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine.models import Model

class Person(Model):
    first_name  = columns.Text()
    last_name = columns.Text()

The Person model would create this CQL table:

CREATE TABLE cqlengine.person (
    id uuid,
    first_name text,
    last_name text,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)


Columns in your models map to columns in your CQL table. You define CQL columns by defining column attributes on your model classes. For a model to be valid it needs at least one primary key column and one non-primary key column.

Just as in CQL, the order you define your columns in is important, and is the same order they are defined in on a model’s corresponding table.

Column Types

Each column on your model definitions needs to an instance of a Column class. The column types that are included with cqlengine as of this writing are:

Column Options

Each column can be defined with optional arguments to modify the way they behave. While some column types may define additional column options, these are the options that are available on all columns:


If True, this column is created as a primary key field. A model can have multiple primary keys. Defaults to False.

In CQL, there are 2 types of primary keys: partition keys and clustering keys. As with CQL, the first primary key is the partition key, and all others are clustering keys, unless partition keys are specified manually using partition_key

If True, this column is created as partition primary key. There may be many partition keys defined, forming a composite partition key
If True, an index will be created for this column. Defaults to False.
Explicitly sets the name of the column in the database table. If this is left blank, the column name will be the same as the name of the column attribute. Defaults to None.
The default value for this column. If a model instance is saved without a value for this column having been defined, the default value will be used. This can be either a value or a callable object (ie: is a valid default argument). Callable defaults will be called each time a default is assigned to a None value
If True, this model cannot be saved without a value defined for this column. Defaults to False. Primary key fields always require values.

Model Methods

Below are the methods that can be called on model instances.
class cqlengine.models.Model(**values)

Creates an instance of the model. Pass in keyword arguments for columns you’ve defined on the model.


#using the person model from earlier:
class Person(Model):
    first_name  = columns.Text()
    last_name = columns.Text()

person = Person(first_name='Blake', last_name='Eggleston')
person.first_name  #returns 'Blake'
person.last_name  #returns 'Eggleston'

Saves an object to the database


#create a person instance
person = Person(first_name='Kimberly', last_name='Eggleston')
#saves it to Cassandra

Deletes the object from the database.


Sets the batch object to run instance updates and inserts queries with.


Sets the timestamp for the query


Sets the ttl values to run instance updates and inserts queries with.


Performs an update on the model instance. You can pass in values to set on the model for updating, or you can call without values to execute an update against any modified fields. If no fields on the model have been modified since loading, no query will be performed. Model validation is performed normally.


Returns a list of column names that have changed since the model was instantiated or saved

Model Attributes


Optional. Indicates that this model is only intended to be used as a base class for other models. You can’t create tables for abstract models, but checks around schema validity are skipped during class construction.


Optional. Sets the name of the CQL table for this model. If left blank, the table name will be the name of the model, with it’s module name as it’s prefix. Manually defined table names are not inherited.


Sets the name of the keyspace used by this model.

Prior to cqlengine 0.16, this setting defaulted to ‘cqlengine’. As of 0.16, this field needs to be set on all non-abstract models, or their base classes.

Table Polymorphism

As of cqlengine 0.8, it is possible to save and load different model classes using a single CQL table. This is useful in situations where you have different object types that you want to store in a single cassandra row.

For instance, suppose you want a table that stores rows of pets owned by an owner:

class Pet(Model):
    __table_name__ = 'pet'
    owner_id = UUID(primary_key=True)
    pet_id = UUID(primary_key=True)
    pet_type = Text(polymorphic_key=True)
    name = Text()

    def eat(self, food):

    def sleep(self, time):

class Cat(Pet):
    __polymorphic_key__ = 'cat'
    cuteness = Float()

    def tear_up_couch(self):

class Dog(Pet):
    __polymorphic_key__ = 'dog'
    fierceness = Float()

    def bark_all_night(self):

After calling sync_table on each of these tables, the columns defined in each model will be added to the pet table. Additionally, saving Cat and Dog models will save the meta data needed to identify each row as either a cat or dog.

To setup a polymorphic model structure, follow these steps

  1. Create a base model with a column set as the polymorphic_key (set polymorphic_key=True in the column definition)
  2. Create subclass models, and define a unique __polymorphic_key__ value on each
  3. Run sync_table on each of the sub tables

About the polymorphic key

The polymorphic key is what cqlengine uses under the covers to map logical cql rows to the appropriate model type. The base model maintains a map of polymorphic keys to subclasses. When a polymorphic model is saved, this value is automatically saved into the polymorphic key column. You can set the polymorphic key column to any column type that you like, with the exception of container and counter columns, although Integer columns make the most sense. Additionally, if you set index=True on your polymorphic key column, you can execute queries against polymorphic subclasses, and a WHERE clause will be automatically added to your query, returning only rows of that type. Note that you must define a unique __polymorphic_key__ value to each subclass, and that you can only assign a single polymorphic key column per model

Extending Model Validation

Each time you save a model instance in cqlengine, the data in the model is validated against the schema you’ve defined for your model. Most of the validation is fairly straightforward, it basically checks that you’re not trying to do something like save text into an integer column, and it enforces the required flag set on column definitions. It also performs any transformations needed to save the data properly.

However, there are often additional constraints or transformations you want to impose on your data, beyond simply making sure that Cassandra won’t complain when you try to insert it. To define additional validation on a model, extend the model’s validation method:

class Member(Model):
    person_id = UUID(primary_key=True)
    name = Text(required=True)

    def validate(self):
        super(Member, self).validate()
        if == 'jon':
            raise ValidationError('no jon\'s allowed')

Note: while not required, the convention is to raise a ValidationError (from cqlengine import ValidationError) if validation fails

Table Properties

Each table can have its own set of configuration options. These can be specified on a model with the following attributes:



from cqlengine import ROWS_ONLY, columns
from cqlengine.models import Model

class User(Model):
    __caching__ = ROWS_ONLY  # cache only rows instead of keys only by default
    __gc_grace_seconds__ = 86400  # 1 day instead of the default 10 days

    user_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
    name = columns.Text()

Will produce the following CQL statement:

CREATE TABLE cqlengine.user (
    user_id uuid,
    name text,
    PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
) WITH caching = 'rows_only'
   AND gc_grace_seconds = 86400;

See the list of supported table properties for more information.

Compaction Options

As of cqlengine 0.7 we’ve added support for specifying compaction options. cqlengine will only use your compaction options if you have a strategy set. When a table is synced, it will be altered to match the compaction options set on your table. This means that if you are changing settings manually they will be changed back on resync. Do not use the compaction settings of cqlengine if you want to manage your compaction settings manually.

cqlengine supports all compaction options as of Cassandra 1.2.8.

Available Options:


For example:

class User(Model):
    __compaction__ = cqlengine.LeveledCompactionStrategy
    __compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = 64
    __compaction_tombstone_threshold__ = .2

    user_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
    name = columns.Text()

or for SizeTieredCompaction:

class TimeData(Model):
    __compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
    __compaction_bucket_low__ = .3
    __compaction_bucket_high__ = 2
    __compaction_min_threshold__ = 2
    __compaction_max_threshold__ = 64
    __compaction_tombstone_compaction_interval__ = 86400

Tables may use LeveledCompactionStrategy or SizeTieredCompactionStrategy. Both options are available in the top level cqlengine module. To reiterate, you will need to set your __compaction__ option explicitly in order for cqlengine to handle any of your settings.

Manipulating model instances as dictionaries

As of cqlengine 0.12, we’ve added support for treating model instances like dictionaries. See below for examples.

class Person(Model):
    first_name  = columns.Text()
    last_name = columns.Text()

kevin = Person.create(first_name="Kevin", last_name="Deldycke")
dict(kevin)  # returns {'first_name': 'Kevin', 'last_name': 'Deldycke'}
kevin['first_name']  # returns 'Kevin'
kevin.keys()  # returns ['first_name', 'last_name']
kevin.values()  # returns ['Kevin', 'Deldycke']
kevin.items()  # returns [('first_name', 'Kevin'), ('last_name', 'Deldycke')]

kevin['first_name'] = 'KEVIN5000'  # changes the models first name